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24-25 Art equipment

24-25 Art equipment


24-25 Art equipment

Anilinky paint set £4.60 

Watercolours £2.40 

Acrylic starter set £8.50 

Cotman watercolours £16 

Watercolour brush set £2.55

Individual watercolour brush 60p 

Hog brush set £1.20 

Individual hog brush 40p 

0.4mm fineliner 70p 

Pencil 30p 

Rubber 10p 

Sharpener 10p 

Set of pencils £1.20 

Double sided tape £1.70 

Glue stick 50p 

Masking tape £1.60 

Palette £1.10 

A2 sheet of watercolour £1 

5 sheets of A4+ watercolour paper £1.50 

 Pack of photography papers £3.50 

Photography film roll £3 

Please keep a record of your confirmation email as proof of purchase.

Anilinky Paint
Acrylic starter set
Cotman watercolours
Watercolour brush se
Individual water bru
Hog brush set
single hog brush
0.4mm fineliner
Set of pencils
Double sided tape
Glue stick
Masking tape
A2 sheet of watercol
5 sheets of A4+ pape
PK photography paper
Photography film rol

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